Due to continual Michigan CDC Covid restrictions, Spiritual warfare camp 2021 has been cancelled
Answers for you in the midst of
What is SWC?
It IS important for you to understand the concept of SWC. This is a boot camp; an in-your-face, intense, discipline camp. It is based on the spiritual analogy found in scripture that calls us to be soldiers of Jesus Christ.
“Therefore you must endure hardships as a good soldier of Jesus Christ, that you may please Him who enlisted you as a soldier” II Tim. 2:34
The Bible is a war manual filled with principles of warfare. discipline, denial, sacrifice, struggle and commitment. But our warfare is not physical, it is spiritual (Eph 6:12). God’s word gives us what we need to be victorious in this battle. At SWC you will learn some vital strategies concerning this conflict.
Defensive Warfare: Learning how to take a stand and resist Satan’s attacks.
Offensive Warfare: Doing damage against Satan’s kingdom & learning how we can be healed from all our spiritual wounds.
lnternal Warfare: Understanding how the enemy attacks us personally.

“SWG has been one of the most awesome experiences in my Christian life”
“What can I say?. God was there! The services were phenomal. and l have a whole new undersatanding about living and serving God.”
“My son came back changed! I cry every time I think of the change that took place in his life at SWC. My husband cannot believe what has transpired in our son’s life: We tried many things, but the real heart change was at camp!”
-Parent of a Camper
So the purpose of SWC is found
in these four main objectives:
1. To awaken you to the reality of Spiritual Warfare.
2. To bring you to a place of total submission/surrender to the Will of God.
3. To equip and empower you for
the battle.
4. To discover your purpose in
God, and fulfill your destiny.

Face your own fears
At SWC you will be challenged in a number of ways. You will learn to confront the enemy on the Warfare Trail. You will learn to face your own fears on the High Ropes and Wall.
You will learn to work together with your squad as you conquer the Obstacle Course and endure morning PT, and Inspections! These and a host of other experiences will give you the spiritual motivation to break out of the status quo and become the standard bearer in your generation.
But the most important part of SWC is that you will meet God and experience His presence like never before!

Spiritual Warfare Camp 2020 is July 27th – August 1st
Spiritual Warefare Camp is a boot camp; an in-your-face intense, discipline camp. It is based on the spiritual analogy found in scripture that calls us to be soldiers of Jesus Christ
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